Examining the career paths of pharmacists

Established goals

The study was designed to understand and describe the career paths of Polish pharmacists. It was assumed that the measurements should provide reliable information on the current occupational status and quality of life of the respondents and help determine their actual level of satisfaction with current and previous work. The study was comprised of the largest possible group of pharmacists, including those working in colleges, pharmaceutical companies, research laboratories and in pharmacies.


The research of the pharmaceutical market was preceded by a consultation of the content of the questionnaire, in which the content was adapted to the requirements of the research technique. The study was finally implemented using computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI). It was attended by 700 pharmacists chosen from a nationwide sampling. A dedicated application created on the CATI-system platform was launched in order to assist the interviewers, control the quality of interviews, and to allow constant access to the research statistics. The study took 40 days.


The results of the study were compiled in the form of a report, which was used as a material for subsequent media releases. The report preparation was preceded by a comprehensive analysis of the collected data, carried out in accordance to the rules of descriptive statistics. Results were broken down into selected socio-demographic and occupational variables. Those interested in detailed conclusions for the study should visit the following page:
